All English Classes

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Premium English Classes
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Start advancing your English skills today. Buy your English class package below. Notice the price per hour reduces as you buy more hours. You will receive a receipt automatically. If your company will reimburse you for this training, we can provide an invoice as well. We will also provide certificates of completion and progress upon request.

Schedule a free 10 minute session to meet the instructor and discuss your goals.

* Seattle residents taking in-person classes can pay with cash or check as well.

Hourly Package
Purchase Your Classes
1 hour
4 hours
8 hours
12 hours
18 hours *best deal*

Terms of payment

Schedule your free class first if you are unsure. Make the payment after you have met the instructor and planned your classes.

Refund policy: We do not give refunds for paid in advance classes. We will reschedule when needed for an emergency or unexpected trip.

Cancellation policy: Lessons must be cancelled 24 hours in advance or you are charged the regular cost for the missed hour. Please inform of cancellations by email or instant messaging on skype.

If you need to miss a class, we can reschedule or make up the class during the next week.

Time limit policy: Your classes must be used within six months of your initial purchase date.

Return to Schedule Your Class

Meet the instructor
for your free
first class.

Meet for 10 minutes on skype
or 20 minutes in person
(for Seattle residents).

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