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500 Words Extra Practice: the Short E Sound

Measurements for the House

When my husband and I bought our new house, we took measurements of every room. Again and again, we measured the rooms to make sure we would not have problems with any furniture. I held one end of the measuring tape and my husband held the other. Sometimes we would measure to the center of the room, then the other half. It was interesting because I never knew how large square footage really was. Soon we were ready to bring our furniture sets. Luckily, my husband and I had several special sets, different from each other. For example, I had a living room set and he had a bedroom set. We tested each large piece of furniture in one or two rooms, then let the movers head home. We had to change a few things ourselves, but overall, our move went very well. We now have a small, yellow house with plenty of furniture.

* Many E sounds reduce-- every = evree; interest = intrest; several = sevrul.
* T sound changes: plenty = plenny, center = cenner

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