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My Vocabulary: Directions

Find your daily vocabulary, especially ways to talk about directions.

1. Describe the streets near your house. What are their names or numbers? Are they busy streets? What sounds of traffic do you hear when at home?

2. Give directions on how to get from your home to a cafe or shop that you like. Imagine you are talking to a visitor who is staying with you. Also give reverse directions. Describe how to get back to your home.

3. Give directions on how to get from your home to a friend's home. Also provide reverse directions.

4. Imagine you have recommended a park to a visitor. Describe how to get to the park. Also, describe how to walk around it.

5. What are the major areas in your country? For instance, is it divided by peoples or by cardinal directions (north, south, east, west)? Describe each area. What are people like? Do they speak or act differently?

6. Describe the 3 best places to eat near your house. Are they close? Can a visitor walk or is transportation required?

7. Do you take road trips (longer trips) in a car or by train? If you had a visitor, what would be a good destination for a road trip? Imagine you are giving directions to the visitor.

8. Describe how to get to the airport from your home. Imagine your visitor is leaving town.

9. Do the windows of your home face one direction or all directions? What can you see from your best view? In which direction do you face for that view?

10. How does your location relate to the nearest ocean and mountain chain? Are they north, south, east or west? Are they near enough to visit or very far away?

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