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My Vocabulary: Government

Find your daily vocabulary, especially ways to talk about your government and politics.

1. Describe the system of government in your country.

2. What do you like or dislike about your political system? Why?

3. Do you know anyone who is a politician? If not, do you know anyone who works for the government? Describe how you know this person and what this person does.

4. If you could change your government in one way, what would it be?

5. Describe your legal system. Imagine a person commits a crime and gets caught--what is the step by step process?

6. Do your police officers treat people fairly? Why or why not?

7. Do some innocent people go to jail? If so, how might this happen?

8. Do you think your legal system works well most of the time? Why or why not?

9. What are the three worst crimes people can commit? Why?

10. Are there different kinds of jails? If so, what kinds?

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