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My Vocabulary: History

Find your daily vocabulary, especially ways to talk about your country's history.

1. Describe the overall history of your country briefly. How was it organized before the current nation was formed? How did the current nation come into being?

2. In your country, what was life like about 500 years ago? Describe things people had, how long they lived and why.

3. In your country, what was life like about 100 years ago? Describe things people had, how long they lived and why.

4. What is one fact or event connected to your country that people are not proud of now?

5. What is one fact or event connected to your country that people are proud of now?

6. What other countries has your country made war against in the last 100 years? Did relations become resolved after the war?

7. Who are your country's allies? About when did these alliances start?

8. In the last 50 years, do you think life for the general population improved? Why or why not?

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