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My Vocabulary: Travel

Find your daily vocabulary, especially ways to talk about travel.

1. How many countries have you visited? Describe each one briefly.

2. What countries do you want to visit? Why?

3. What do you like the most about travelling by plane? What do you dislike?

4. If you cannot (or do not want to) travel by plane, what is the next best transportation method? Why?

5. When you book a hotel, what amenities do you want? Why are these important?

6. Describe the best hotel experience you have had. Describe the worst hotel experience you have had.

7. If you were travelling and you could stay with a friend, a close relative or a distant relative, would you stay with any (or all) of these people? Explain.

8. When you travel for fun, where do you go? What kinds of activities do you like to do?

9. When you travel for work or family, where do you go? Do you wish you could make these trips more often? Why or why not?

10. When you are travelling, what positive feelings do you have? What negative feelings do you have?

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