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English Pronunciation News

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Gun Control in 2013


Gun control has always been a risky subject for politicians. The NRA, the National Rifle Association, is a powerful force that has proven capable of ousting politicians who voted for gun regulation. The NRA's basic stance is that the 2nd amendment, which guarantees the right to bear arms, will be put into jeopardy if regulations are imposed. However, because of the bloody events of 2012 including the killing spree at the Batman movie in Colorado and the horrible elementary school killings in Connecticut, the Obama administration is pushing for gun regulation, especially a ban on semi-automatic assault weapons.

Politicians have to act based on the wishes of the majority of their constituents. Those who do not lose in the next election, and gun control is the kind of issue that can make or break an election. For instance, in 1994, when Congress attempted to ban assault weapons, many politicians lost their jobs. President Obama and vice President Biden have already begun the task of convincing Democratic representatives that the time for gun control regulation has arrived. Their challenge will rest in designing a package that current gun owners, especially hunters, will approve while also answering the needs of those who wish to end gun violence.

For this lesson, the stressed words are in bold. If a stressed word has more than one syllable, the stressed syllable is in bold.

Gun control / has always been / a risky subject / for politicians. The NRA, / the National Rifle Association, / is a powerful force / that has proven capable / of ousting politicians / who voted / for gun regulation. / The NRA's basic stance / is that the 2nd amendment, which guarantees / the right / to bear arms, / will be put / into jeopardy / if regulations /are imposed. / However, / because of the bloody events / of 2012 / including the killing spree / at the Batman movie / in Colorado / and the horrible / elementary school killings / in Connecticut, / the Obama administration / is pushing / for gun regulation, / especially a ban / on semi-automatic / assault weapons.

Politicians have to act / based on the wishes / of the majority / of their constituents. / Those who do not / lose / in the next election, / and gun control / is the kind of issue / that can make / or break / an election. / For instance, / in 1994, /when Congress attempted / to ban / assault weapons, / many politicians / lost their jobs. / President Obama / and vice President Biden / have already begun the task / of convincing Democratic representatives / that the time / for gun control regulation / has arrived. / Their challenge will rest / in designing a package / that current gun owners, / especially hunters, / will approve / while also / answering the needs / of those who wish to end / gun violence

* Most acronymns (letters that create names) can be read smoothly with the letters flowing together. For NRA, say EN-are-ay and stress the first syllable. People also tend to stress the 3rd syllable (A) a little bit.
** In years, both numbers are stressed, though the second one is stressed a little more.

*** In the prefixes "semi," "anti" and "multi" the "i" can be pronounced as a long E or a long I. Either way is acceptable.

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