English Classes

speak method

Buy Group English Classes
speak method

Learn pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, or idioms.

Group English Classes

Take classes with a friend and save on the hourly rate per person. Group classes can be online with skype or in-person in Seattle. Compare with regular rates.

Hours2-Student RateTotal Cost Cost Per Person
1 hour$70/hour$70$35
4 hours$60/hour$240$120
8 hours$55/hour$440$220
12 hours$50/hour$600$300
18 hours$45/hour$810$405

Buy Your Classes

Please choose the package with your friend. Then each of you can use the link below to buy it.

Hourly PackagePayment Per PersonOnline Payment
1 hour$35
4 hours$120
8 hours$220
12 hours$300
18 hours$405

Terms and Conditions

1. Please note: there are no refunds on paid-in-advance classes. Schedule a consultation if you need to discuss your class options. Thanks!
2. These are group class rates only. Two students need to buy the packages and attend the sessions together. If there is a change of plans and only one person buys the package, you will be charged the one-student rate per hour. Basically, you will receive fewer hours per package according to the one-student rates here
3. Please make sure to complete your classes within one year of your purchase date. If you have not completed the classes at that time, you will need to purchase a new package in order to continue.

Learn about Speak Method.